
Angela Merkel filmed at the sneaker shopping!

Angela Merkel filmed at the sneaker shopping!

Angela Merkel filmed at the sneaker shopping!

Nach 16 Jahren gibt Angela Merkel ihren Posten als Bundeskanzlerin bald ab. Künftig bekommt man die Politikerin wohl im lässigen Look zu Gesicht.

the essentials in brief

The days as the most powerful woman in Germany are counted for Angela Merkel (67).After 16 years, she will soon hand in her office as Chancellor.At the moment she has the position of managing directors until her successor has been determined.

Now “Muddi” finally has more time to shop.During her tenure, she took little risks in terms of fashion.Black fabric trousers with colorful blazer and simple leather shoes - mostly they saw them.

This is how you know Angela Merkel: blazer, fabric trousers and leather shoes.- dpa

But as it seems, Angela Merkel now wants to dress more casually.The politician was filmed by the German Tikok user “385ibo” when buying a sneaker."We are just chilling at Nike and suddenly: Ms. Merkel!".

And indeed: in the video, Merkel strolls with the mouth protection and gray blazer to the Nike shelf.The model of your choice: the «Air Force 1».Pretty trendy...

Are you a sneaker fan?

More on the subject:

NikeAngela Merkel
Beitrag von Lina Schlup Am 02. Dezember 2021 - 15:48 Deutschland

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