
Who knows the perpetrators?Police published photo of petrol station robbers

Who knows the perpetrators?Police published photo of petrol station robbers

Who knows the perpetrators?Police published photo of petrol station robbers

With the publication of photos of a surveillance camera, the Wolfsburg police are now doing more pressure as part of the investigation against two men.The duo had already threatened with a weapon in August the employee of a Shell petrol station in Westhagen near the motorway entrance and captured cash.Although they were strikingly dressed, the investigations of the case have not been successful so far.

Review: on Wednesday evening, 18.August, the two unknown people attacked the petrol station located on Braunschweiger Strasse.Around 19.44 a.m. a perpetrator dressed in a blue training suit first entered the sales room and threatened the cashier with a weapon.He asked the employee to open to the cash register and took cash.During this time his accomplice stood in the front door and monitored the petrol station area.

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Then both perpetrators fled from the petrol station site.The police evaluated the pictures of the surveillance camera and obtained a decision to publish the responsible district court in Braunschweig through the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office in Braunschweig.In addition to an FFP2 mask, the main perpetrator wore dark blue training pants and a blue training jacket.Under this one black hoody whose hood was pulled over the dark base cap.

Tatort: Diese Shell-Tankstelle an der Braunschweiger Straße im Bereich des Wolfsburger Stadtteils Westhagen war im August Ziel der Räuber.Quelle: Britta Schulze

Wer kennt die Täter? Polizei veröffentlicht Foto von Tankstellen-Räubern

Particularly striking was the advertising approach of the Wolfsburg “Neuland Foundation”, which was applied to the back of the jacket, and three white stripes in the area of both elbows and a bright hem.On the front was the company symbol of a sporting goods manufacturer on the right side and the club coat of arms of TSV Wolfsburg on the left side.

The second person involved in the front door also had an FFP2 mask in front of his face.It was dressed in a camouflage jacket with a hood and gray-black-white stain pattern and dark trousers.The light gray sports shoes and the rather uncertain attitude were striking.

Am Raub beteiligt: Eine zweite Person stand an der Tür Wache, während der Haupttäter die Kassiererin mit einer Waffe zur Herausgabe des Geldes nötigte..Quelle: Polizei Wolfsburg

The police hope that there will be witnesses who can provide information about the two unknowns.This is responsible for 2.The police commissioner in Wolfsburg, number 05361/46460.

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