
"the Rock" betrays fitness routine with which he boosts his metabolism

"the Rock" betrays fitness routine with which he boosts his metabolism

"the Rock" betrays fitness routine with which he boosts his metabolism

By Nadja Demel | January 28, 2022, 3: 36 pm

In the summer of 2022, Dwayne Johnson appears as a DC comic hero, "Black Adam", on the U.S. cinema screens. In order to prepare for his role, the superstar went to his physical limits. In addition to daily workouts, "the Rock" used a trick to boost his metabolism.

„Das Training, das wir für diesen Film gemacht haben, war das anstrengendste, das ich je in meinem Leben absolviert habe“, sagt Dwayne Johnson im US-Magazin „Men‘s Journal“.1 Um dem DC-Comic-Helden „Black Adam“ möglichst ähnlich zu sehen, entwickelte „The Rock“ gemeinsam mit seinem Personal Trainer Dave Rienzi eine ganz besondere Fitness-Routine.

This is how "the Rock" boosts its metabolism

As a Hollywood star, Dwayne Johnson & APOs; s daily routine is tightly organized. And so he starts training early in the morning. "I'm trying to get up before the sun rises. I get completely dressed right away, including the shoes, "said the ex-wrestler. Then he starts with endurance training-on an empty stomach. Because the secret of "the Rocks" fitness routine is "fasted cardio". "I train on an empty stomach-it keeps my metabolism tight," he says.

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Was das Training ohne Frühstück bewirkt? Beim Nüchterntraining, auch „fasted training“ genannt, sollen die Fettdepots schneller angegangen werden. Der Grund: Aufgrund der vorherigen Fastenperiode über Nacht sind die Kohlenhydrat-Speicher des Körpers leer. Die Energie wird also aus den Fettpolstern gewonnen. Das Training kann sich insbesondere positiv auf einen gewünschten Gewichtsverlust auswirken.2 Über die Vor- und Nachteile von Nüchterntraining hat FITBOOK bereits berichtet.

„The Rock“ verrät Fitness-Routine, mit der er seinen Stoffwechsel ankurbelt

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He is supported by his personal trainer Dave Rienzi. "there is a lot of fine tuning in our joint training. Even if we're not together, I keep sending him pictures so he knows exactly where we stand, "explains Dwayne Johnson. "if necessary, we will make adjustments immediately. He takes care not only of aesthetics, but also of my energy and how I feel. "

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Proper nutrition is part of his fitness routine

Even though "the Rock" relies on fasting in its fitness routine in the morning, proper nutrition plays an important role in achieving its training goals. "I eat between six and seven meals a day and try my best to make them as balanced as possible with proteins, carbohydrates, good fats-and occasionally sugar at the right times of the day," he explains. This is also a challenge for the actor. & quot; when I make a big movie, in addition to my family & APOs; s obligations to do so, there & APOs; s a lot of nutrition monitoring. We work very closely with the cooks and naturopathic practitioners, who provide us with food supplements and vitamins. & quot;

Although the actor eats clean during the week-he does not dispense with so-called "cheat meals" on weekends: "these meals are reserved only for Sunday. I enjoy it a lot-and I like having fun with food. "

The secret behind his motivation

Even a professional like "the Rock" is not easy to always stay motivated and carry out his fitness routine. Especially when injuries throw him off the track: "I'm lucky I've never hurt myself in the gym. I was raised to train hard and with my mind. But that didn't protect me when I was in a competition or in the wrestling ring. I had five knee surgery, one Achilles tendon tear. I had to be sewn together again, "he says.

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What tip does he give to others to stay motivated? "when you go to the gym to exercise, you just need to train for yourself. Don't train for someone else. Don't train to impress anyone. Don't put too much weight on the pole. Leave your ego out of it, "he advises. "I've never taken care of who's around me at the gym. That always helped me. Concentrate and pack it up. "


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