
Speed Hiking: This is how turbo hiking is running - utopia.de

Speed Hiking: This is how turbo hiking is running - utopia.de

Speed Hiking: This is how turbo hiking is running - utopia.de

Speed Hiking sounds like a speed -emphasized sport.You can find out what is really behind it and how you can implement speed hiking for yourself.

Speed Hiking is a kind of “turboceder” with the best possible equipment, preferably with sticks in demanding terrain in nature.This is neither Nordic walking nor Trailrunning.Despite some similarities, Speed Hiking differs in some points from both points.

In this article we explain the fundamental differences between the three comparable sports.You will also find out which equipment you need for speed hiking, what advantages it brings you and how you can best practice it.

Speed Hiking: Delimitation to Trailrunning and Nordic Walking

Trail running takes place in the continuous step and is usually limited in time or designed to a certain route.Sporty comparisons, certain terms and high speeds determine the trail running.In addition, trail runners are mostly on the road.At this sport, the focus is clearly on sporting success.The equipment is limited to a minimum of trail running.Most of the trail runner only lead functional clothing, a small running backpack and a drinking bottle.

On the other hand, there are no temporal limits at Speed Hiking.Every possible stage length is conceivable.Both the evening round on the local mountain and the multi -day mountain tour with accommodation in the high mountains can be speed hiking.Duration, running speed and sporting comparisons do not play a major role here.Basically, the running pace is higher than with normal hiking, but it is not as fast as with trail running for a long time.Breaks and the experience in groups are also part of the speed hiking.Lingering time, enjoying nature and getting to know your body and getting to the border is at the forefront.Sticks are often used for running support.

Sticks are also part of Nordic Walking.But the difference to this sport is on the terrain requirements: Nordic walking usually takes place in flat terrain and at a slow pace.

Equipment for Speed Hiking

With the right equipment you are not only optimally equipped with Speed Hiking, but it is also more fun.

You need the following basic equipment:

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Special equipment on top:

Speed Hiking: So läuft das Turbo-Wandern ab - Utopia.de

Basically, the following applies, of course,: Feat your equipment to the respective season, the weather conditions and the terrain.In addition, there is always enough liquid, sun protection, food and energy snacks in your backpack.Plan your luggage well carefully.Not too much and not too little.

If you value sustainability when buying your speed hiking equipment, you will find more information in our guide to sustainable hiking accessories.

Advantages of Speed Hiking

Speed Hiking combines Cardio, strengthworkout and relaxation in nature.Due to walking with your sticks on different terrain and you train many muscle groups at the same time and protect your joints.Speed Hiking is a comprehensive workout that claims your leg muscles, upper body and fuselage muscles.

Depending on the route length and speed, you also train your endurance and your cardiovascular system compared to hiking.

With more demanding tours and a speed increase, you can get yourself to your own limit and leave your comfort zone.

So you can exercise speed hiking

In principle, anyone can do: R speed hiking, since the running pace can be individually determined.In addition, it is a sport without much effort.

Depending on what your sporting constitution looks like, you should slow down and adapt to the requirement profile of the respective route.In order not to damage the body, you should be a beginner: In the beginning, no multi -day tours in the high alpines plan.You shouldn't underestimate difficult terrain, large distances and large differences in altitude.

Where can you do Speed Hiking now?

Everywhere in nature!At the beginning, small hiking spots are enough near you.The more experienced you become and the better you can assess your skills, the higher, longer and more difficult you can design your tour.A hiking app can help you with tour planning.There you will find technical data such as the number of kilometers, vertical meters, directions or the expected duration.Germany also offers a large selection of popular long -distance hiking trails that are ideal for speed hiking.

Beginners: Inside: low mountain regions, small hiking routes and short tours are completely sufficient to be familiar with the new sport.

Professionals: Alpine's high mountains with challenging terrain is possible.The program ranges from intensive day tours to multi -day tours to wide hiking.

The most important thing about the speed hiking: forget your everyday life, enjoy nature and leave your comfort zone.

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