
RöderTalbees lose Sachsenderby - Bautzener messenger

RöderTalbees lose Sachsenderby - Bautzener messenger

RöderTalbees lose Sachsenderby - Bautzener messenger

ThE rolEs wErE clEarly distributEd bEforE thE gamE.Finally, thE BSV SachsEn Zwickau camE to thE bEEhivE lEadEr with sElf -confidEncE..ThE RödErtalbEEs dEsignEd thE SachsEnEndErby up to 40.MinutE opEn, but thEn allowEd too many mistakEs.This clEarly won thE guEsts with 18:29 (10:15))).

ThE bEEs startEd thE gamE with thEir own start, but did not makE thE first attack succEssful.On thE oppositE sidE, Anna-LEna HaushErr (9/1 goals))) was rElEasEd on thE outsidE and scorEd thE lEad goal.Jasmin Eckart (4 goals))) from a cEntral position aftEr a finE play by Ann-Catrin HöbbEl (2 goals))).In contrast to thE HCR, thE guEsts actEd safEr in thE initial phasE and quickly dEvElopEd a 1: 4 lEad.AftEr six minutEs, thE bEEs attack gamE also got startEd.Lisa LiEhnig (4 goals))) CastlE from sEvEn mEtErs to 2: 4.In thE nExt attack, thE construction actrEss lEft thE opposing dEfEnsE and frEEly nEttEd to 3: 4.With a lamp to 4: 5, shE thEn madE hEr hat trick pErfEct and brought thE bEEs in striking distancE.HöbbEl scorEd thE 5: 5 Equalization with a goal in thE anglE.BSV coach Norman REntsch took his first timE-out.But thE bEEs could not bE stoppEd at first.MarlEnE BöttchEr matchEd Eckart to thE circlE, which gavE thE HCR 6: 5 in thE lEad.ThEn LaEhnig playEd a prEcisE pass to Emilia RongE (7/4 goals))).ThE wing drinkEr hit thE short cornEr to 7: 6.ThEn thE lEadErship changEd and thE Zwickau womEn dEvElopEd a narrow 8: 9 lEad.AftEr IsabEll Wolff rEcEivEd a pEnalty throw with full physical Effort, RongE EqualizEd to 9: 9.Up to this point, thE HCR madE a solid 6-0 dEfEnsE and rEpEatEdly prEvEntEd thE BSV's tEmpo gamE by skillful..Now thE hosts allowEd thEmsElvEs a first phasE of wEaknEss.With inaccuratE passEs and tEchnical Errors, thE Zwickau womEn wErE ablE to raisE thEir countEr gamE and ExpandEd thE lEad to 9:13.RongE shortEnEd by sEvEn mEtErs to 10:13.ThE guEsts brought two morE mistakEs from thE bEEs until thE half -timE brEak with 10:15 in thE front.

ThE sEcond round startEd vEry unfavorably - with two fast goals, thE Zwickau womEn ExpandEd thEir lEad to 10:17.ThEn RabEa Pollakowski (1 gatE))) with a cross pass Eckart on thE circlE found.ShE scorEd 11:17.At 12:18 it was again thE circuit runnEr who prEvailEd wEll.In thE following phasE, thE bEEs showEd that a lot can happEn in onE dErby.With a liftEr Pollakowski scorEd 13:19.ThEn RongE shortEnEd to 14:19 with a countErfEit countErfEit.ThE nExt goal also wEnt on hEr cap.This timE shE was succEssful from thE outsidE position.ThE HCR dEfEnsE suddEnly stood safEr again.AftEr a paradE of goalkEEpEr Ann RammEr, LochEhnig surprisEd thE BSV dEfEnsE that had not yEt bEEn formEd and scorEd at 16:19.AftEr RongE sEcurEd anothEr pEnalty throw, thE bEEs wErE back in striking distancE (17:19 aftEr 43 minutEs))).InstEad of using this swing, thE HCR suddEnly lost thE thrEad.In thE last 15 minutEs, thE hosts should only scorE onE goal.With partly hair-raising passports and tEchnical mistakEs, thEy invitEd thE Zwickau womEn to pacE.EvEn from thE good rEtrEat bEhavior from thE first 20 minutEs of thE gamE was no longEr visiblE.GatE around gatE thE guEsts sEttlEd at 17:23.RongE shortEnEd again with a pEnalty throw (18:23 in thE 49.MinutE))).ThE Zwickau womEn no longEr bEcamE nErvous and playEd thE gamE in thE stylE of a lEaguE lEadEr confidEntly.ThE bEEs didn't want to succEEd anymorE.In thE 58.MinutE mEt Nadja BolzE (1 gatE))) for thE 18:29 final scorE.Only HCR goalkEEpEr Ronja NühsE was distinguishEd again in thE final phasE with a parriEd pacE countErfEit.

RödErtalbiEnEn vErliErEn SachsEndErby – BautzEnEr BotE

HCR trainEr EglE KalinauskaitE: "I think that thE rEsult is too high in its clarity.Our back room nEvEr rEally camE into play today.ThE throws in particular had poor quality.This givEs us onE spEEd countErfEit aftEr thE othEr.At thE End my tEam also lackEd strEngth."

HCR: Ann RammEr, Ronja NühsE, Emilia RongE (7/4))), Lisa LiEhnig (4))), Jasmin Eckart (4))), Ann-Catrin HöbbEl (2))), RabEa Pollakowski (1))), Ana Ciolan, MarlEnE BöttchEr, Paula FörstEr, Tammy KrEibich, IsabEl Wolff, Lara Tauchmann, VanEssa Huth (N.E.))), Pavlina Novotna (n.E.)))

Foto+ TExt: Florian TriEbEl
