
Goodbye Christmas bacon: That's why women should also do strength training

Goodbye Christmas bacon: That's why women should also do strength training

Goodbye Christmas bacon: That's why women should also do strength training

Goodbye Christmas bacon That's why women should also do strength training ...

vonBUNTE.de editors

"Strong is the new skinny." While women have been emulating a beauty ideal for years, which is defined by being thin, it's now time to hit the weights. Because regular strength training not only improves endurance and strength, but also mobility.


Don't be afraid of weights

The fear of too many muscles and thus of shrinking femininity is completely unfounded. Training with heavy weights promotes muscle growth, but due to the low amount of testosterone, this is limited in women.

However, strength training with heavy weights has a positive effect, especially for women: in addition to lean and defined muscles, the posture, gait and presence of every woman improves. Those who face their fellow human beings upright appear much more self-confident and therefore more attractive.

Typical male exercises

But which exercises are the right ones? To perfectly shape your body and address problem areas, you can rely on the same exercises as your male sports friends. In addition to deadlifts and squats with the barbell, push-ups and full-body exercises that cultivate the muscles in the middle of the body are particularly important.

From nothing, comes nothing

Let yourself be instructed by a trained trainer in the free weights area and only train with light weights until you have mastered the technique of the individual exercises. Afterwards you should go to your limits during training just like men. Because only intensive training brings the desired results. By the way: Strength training can be individually adapted for every fitness level and every age. Anyone who previously only worked up a sweat with step aerobics and Zumba now has no more excuses.

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