
Stupidly asked - The podcast with Fritz Schaefer - Stupidly asked - Podcast - 1LIVE - Radio - WDR

Stupidly asked - The podcast with Fritz Schaefer - Stupidly asked - Podcast - 1LIVE - Radio - WDR

Stupidly asked - The podcast with Fritz Schaefer - Stupidly asked - Podcast - 1LIVE - Radio - WDR

Are all Jews rich?!

Stupidly asked - the podcast with Fritz Schaefer - Stupidly asked - Podcast - 1LIVE - Radio - WDR

Have you ever met a Jew or a Jew? Most only know Jews from the terrible stories of the Holocaust. Even today, they encounter anti-Semitism that feeds on clichés and prejudices: Jews are rich? Have a crooked nose and be smarter than average?!

Fritz talks to Esther and Matvey, who belong to the Jewish religion. They try to uncover the origin of these prejudices, talk about the way Jews live today and how they dealt with the Holocaust.
