
Relationships: Monogam, Polygam or Lat?The future of the partnership

Relationships: Monogam, Polygam or Lat?The future of the partnership

Relationships: Monogam, Polygam or Lat?The future of the partnership

And they lived happily until the end of their lives: In the past, we had to pass adventure, stand against the storm and the resistance of life that want to divide us and our loved ones.But finally the kiss of true love saves us - and everything was good forever.At least that's how it works in the fairy tale when it comes to love and relationships.

In reality, everyone is not quite as easy.Because the idea of being happy until the end of life comes from a time when most people have not turned 40 years old.The divorce from death still seemed quite feasible.We ask ourselves: How have love and partnership changed since then?

The good tone of togetherness

Currently, 60 percent of adults in Germany live in solid relationships.In a survey, 82 percent of the women surveyed and 80 percent of men stated that they were happier in a steady relationship as a single as a single.Most couples say they take the time several times a month to do something romantic for two.And around a third of the unmarried couples stated in a survey of having sex several times a week.In contrast, among the married people, it was only 19 percent.Nevertheless, the older we get, the people around us seem to expect a steady relationship from their fellow human beings more and more.

Why are you still single?

On the other hand, permanent singles are still often viewed critically today.Something has to be right with them.The toxic bachelor and the crazy cat woman are single clichés that are still stubborn.Statistically speaking, singles are less likely to have sex than people who live in a relationship.For this, singles spend more time with your boyfriend: inside.And so there are around five million convinced singles in Germany in addition to the numerous relationship enthusiasts.

With which relationship with other people we feel most comfortable depends on our values and our personality.But we no longer have to submit to ancient social conventions and seek the classic mother-father-child relationship.Many different relationship models have established themselves in today's society.Everyone can live out their love according to their mood. Ob monogam, polyamor, on & off, mingle oder lat – wir stellen die verschiedenen Modelle vor.

Proximity and distance

Many people want a loving relationship at eye level with and to a partner: in.If we believe in psychology, it seems to be granted 60 to 70 percent of people.They are referred to as safe binding types that can be binding intensively and intensively.10 to 15 percent of people are considered an insecure, avoiding binding types and as many people as an insecure and ambivalent binding types.And then there is the disorganized,-oriented bond.It appears in about five to ten percent of all couples.That means: Many people say that they want a bond.Nevertheless, not everyone is really willing to bind or binding: r.

1.Monogames relationship model

The Sie-Liebten-, huge-to-IHR-LIFESSE MODEL is the monogamous relationship.Two people choose to spend their entire life together.Literally translated, monogamy means that there is only one (mono) marriage (gamos) for everyone.In a survey, just 25 percent of the Germans surveyed stated that they believe that man is naturally monogamous.Because since humans have been going to the fast -moving and changeable life paths and also live much longer than at the time of the concept of the concept of monogamy, many people tend to choose the so -called serial monogamy.People live monogamous within their relationship, but occasionally do not leave their marriage from death, but also by a lawyer.Or separate when it no longer fits.For monogamy skeptics, the alternatives that we are now presenting could be exciting.

Beziehungen: Monogam, polygam oder LAT? Die Zukunft der Partnerschaft

2. On & Off Beziehungen

Sometimes couples, as they are called, cannot and not without each other.Sometimes they are together, then the problems grow again to intolerance.They separate, they get along.And so forth.And so on.About 60 percent of all adults already had such an on-off relationship.This emotional roller coaster ride finds researchers extremely worrying: A survey of 545 homo- and heterosexual people showed that people in an on-off relationship are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.In contrast to heterosexual relationships and lesbian couples, this was particularly clear to gay partnerships.Nevertheless, the researchers admit that a temporary separation can also help to clarify disputes and to work separately from each other or the relationship.One of the scientists in a nutshell: Those who come to a frequent conclusion and then come together again should find a healthier way in the medium term to work on the relationship.Because often this is based on and from the relationship on improvement communication.A clear conclusion is often more helpful for psychological well -being than a smoldering conflict.

3.Mingle relationships

The term Mingle is a combination of mixed and single.The trend researcher Peter Wippermann came up with this word in 2014 to describe people for whom a fixed partnership is out of the question.Nevertheless, they want to enjoy the positive sides of a relationship.Sometimes it is also called friendship plus.Two people come together who are looking for an emotional connection and physical closeness, but do not want to enter into a real liability.The Mingle relationship is strongly related to sexual self-determination and the desire for freedom.It decouples physical closeness of romantic feelings.But instead of completely separating sex and love, the Mingles want a certain emotional connection.

While 29 percent of adults between the ages of 30 and 49 had already had a one-night stand, the younger generation would rather have sex with friend: inside than with strangers.Each: R four of them under the age of 30 had a friendship plus.

4.LAT relationships

There is now a word for almost every form of the relationship.Even for people who live together but do not want to live together.The firm relationship in separate apartments is called Lat.This is short for "Living Apart Together".Classically, long-distance relationships are also LAT relationships.But even without much spatial distance, more and more relationships are lat relationships.But as popular as this form of relationship is: it seems to be the partners: not to be completely satisfied inside.Because with LAT relationships is the likelihood that they are very happy and experience a high level of support, less than with marriages and remarriage, a study showed.At the same time, the LAT pairs are emotionally less burdened and experience greater self-determination due to the somewhat lower liability.

5.Polyamory and polygamy

Anyone who lives polyamor loves two or more partners: inside with whom he or she is in a love relationship.In polygamy, we, on the other hand, have translated literally to do a lot of marriage, i.e. a marriage to several people.In practice, less married and much more fun is being married: Because while polyamory is about love relationships with more than one person, polygamy is about sex with several partners: inside.But no matter whether polyamory or polygamy: where Poly is on it, questioning the classic monogamous social system is included.

6.Open relationships or open marriage

The transition from polygamy to an open relationship is fluid.Because if you choose an open marriage or open relationship, you allow your counterpart to get involved with other people.Each couple makes their own rules.Some allow each other to live their bisexuality with other partners: to live out inside or the only rule that is not talked about.The design is as individual as the couples themselves.But even if this type of relationship is increasingly mentioned in the media, this form of life and love is not a real trend.According to a survey, just six percent of Germans have already had an open relationship.And only five percent have opted for a relationship with several people.

But if you choose this form of relationship, you don't try to follow a trend - but your needs.In contrast, open relationships and open marriages are less likely to be polyamory, since love usually remains in the main relationship.The partners sleep in classic marriage: only with each other inside.Any side jumps happen secretly because they do not belong to the original agreement of the monogamous relationship.This is different with the open relationship or open marriage: Here the partners allow each other: inside, also to repay the horns outside the relationship and to have sexual experiences with other people.

Relationships affect health

Regardless of whether we live polyamor, monogamous or with a friendship plus: what makes us happy in life is the relationship with other people.On the other hand, if a relationship is no longer good, it can also harm our health: in particular negative behavior patterns of spouses or life partners have an impact on health.Happy relationships keep healthy, whereas stress in love can also have a negative impact on health.In a study, the people who said of themselves not being too happy in their marriage had a 40 percent higher probability of having a bad state of health than the people who were satisfied with their marriage.

How relationships succeed

Whether our relationships succeed does not seem to follow any too difficult key.Researchers see the secret of success in a simple relationship: if a few more positive than negative interactions have a couple, according to a large study, they remained longer than couples whose relationship deviated down.

We should know what we want from a relationship.Before we can be happy with someone else, we should get to know each other a little better ourselves.Because how our relationships shape depends on what kind of person we are, what we need and who we love.Do you want to know more about the topic?Then listen to the Podcast of TK Health for Listening: Partnership In.

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