
New World Week.The Americans steal the Gruyère cheese in Switzerland.The pandemic is over, when does politics notice?Electricity market: The next EU attack.US Vice-Bank boss has to withdraw due to insider offenses, as Philipp Hildebrand once

New World Week.The Americans steal the Gruyère cheese in Switzerland.The pandemic is over, when does politics notice?Electricity market: The next EU attack.US Vice-Bank boss has to withdraw due to insider offenses, as Philipp Hildebrand once

New World Week.The Americans steal the Gruyère cheese in Switzerland.The pandemic is over, when does politics notice?Electricity market: The next EU attack.US Vice-Bank boss has to withdraw due to insider offenses, as Philipp Hildebrand once

says:13. January 2022 at 2:39 p.m.

Zeitz on Corona: "It's about a total transformation of society"!

New world week. The Americans are stealing from Switzerland the Gruyère cheese. The pandemic is over, when will politicians notice it? Electricity market: The next attack by the EU. US Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank has to resign because of insider crime, like Philipp Hildebrand once did.

The compulsory vaccination and the background to the Corona scam were the subject of a detailed interview with the scientific director of the Institute for Applied Political Economy Christian Zeitz from Vienna. IT WILL AFFECT US ALL!

https://auf1.tv/nachrichten-auf1/zeitz-ueber-corona-es- geht-um-eine-totaltransformation-der-gesellschaft

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