
Grevenbroich: Caritas buys shoes for the needy shortly before winter

Grevenbroich: Caritas buys shoes for the needy shortly before winter

Grevenbroich: Caritas buys shoes for the needy shortly before winter

Shortly before cold season: Caritas buys shoes for the needy

Grevenbroich The welfare association supports Grevenbroicher, who cannot afford warm shoes for winter.Around 40 people can be cared for - a drop on the hot stone.

Grevenbroich: Caritas kauft Schuhe für Bedürftige kurz vor Winter

People who only have little money need good, warm footwear especially for winter."We take care of this today," says Oliver Joeres.The employee of the Caritas specialist advice and contact point for homeless men (fact) and his colleague Sonja Ottaviano from the specialist advice and contact point for women (Frau-KE) in Grevenbroich have set off with a group of their clients.Goal: a local shoe store.Each of the group should receive a few new shoes.The campaign is financed by funds from a fundraiser from the Diocesan Caritas Association Cologne.

"The Hartz IV control sets are simply not enough to live, let alone for winter shoes," emphasizes Oliver Joeres.He and his colleague are all the more grateful for the donation of 2000 euros.Every week, the two now want to repeat the way to the shoe store with a new group until the donation is used up.This can help 40 or more people, says the social worker.Nevertheless, that is just a drop on the hot stone.The teams of Fact and Frau-K take care of no less than 425 people with special social difficulties in Grevenbroich every year.The campaign should therefore benefit in particular from the campaign.

The shopping campaign is related to the former Caritas campaign "The shoe presses!".Among other things, employees of Caritas in the Rhein-Kreis and representatives of other Caritas associations on the Cologne cathedral plate had drawn attention to the situation of homeless people and threatened by homelessness."Together with those affected, we campaigned against existential hardship, against bad footwear and for more social participation," emphasizes Oliver Joeres.

The teams of Frau-Ke and fact help people seeking advice in the city of Grevenbroich every day.They support, among other things, in searching for an apartment, working, in the event of a government agency and convey to other specialist services if necessary.
