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With the shoes you shouldn't save - Size.de Share Share Listen Remove Bookmark Set Bookmark Remove Bookmarks Set Infographic Remove Hookmarks Set Bookmark Remove Bookmark Set Les

With the shoes you shouldn't save - Size.de Share Share Listen Remove Bookmark Set Bookmark Remove Bookmarks Set Infographic Remove Hookmarks Set Bookmark Remove Bookmark Set Les


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A running analysis with the expert helps to compensate for malpositions and avoid pain.Print measurement and 3-D scan technology remedy the situation.

Von Ute Schröder|

“For my sake you can hang a cotton rag around your neck while running.But you shouldn't save on the shoes, ”says Tim Indorf.The master orthopedic shoe maker is a professional when it comes to the right running shoe.In his shop in Bremerhaven, Indorf offers an intensive analysis using a treadmill, pressure measurement and 3-D scan technology.In the end, whoever takes this will go home with a purchase recommendation.The new father who himself
