
Wash sneakers - so you get clean again - utopia.de

Wash sneakers - so you get clean again - utopia.de

Wash sneakers - so you get clean again - utopia.de

If the sneakers are dirty after a few months, you can wash them in the washing machine.We will give you tips for the sneaker laundry and show when you shouldn't put them in the washing machine.

Whether football or jogging - the sneakers are quickly dirty during sports outside.Even those who are doing sports in the Halle have shoes quickly, the Müffeln.You can just wash most of the sports shoes in the washing machine.However, whether your shoes are suitable depends on the material.

If the leather shoes, you should definitely wash them by hand and wash lukewarm water.Sneakers as well as running shoes made of synthetic fabric can also be in the washing machine:

After washing, you should let your shoes dry in peace and under no circumstances put it on the heater.You shouldn't help with the hair dryer either, the direct heat could soften materials such as glue.

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Tip: If the shoes are only sweaty, it is usually enough to take out and wash the inner sole of the sneaker.You can simply add them to normal 30 degree laundry.

Attention: At many large sports shoe manufacturers, the guarantee expires when you wash your shoes.Because depending on the washing temperature, detergent and washing additives, the shoes can be damaged when washing.If you want to be on the safe side, you prefer to wash with core soap and lukewarm water by hand.

Prepare sneakers before washing

Before the sneakers come into the washing machine, you should prepare them first:

Wash your shoes and clothes together?

If you wash your sports shoes together with clothing, the water and energy save.If the shoes are very dirty, you can use lukewarm water and a brush to put them in for a short time and only then put them in the washing machine for clothes.Whether you wash your shoes and clothes together or separately has no effect on hygiene: clothing becomes as clean and hygienic when you wash them together with your shoes.

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Sneakers: detergent, fabric softener, hygiene pupil

There are special detergents for shoes that are completely superfluous.Because every ecological fine detergent cleans the sneakers just as well.If you wash the shoes together with the clothes, the normal dosage is sufficient.If you prefer to wash the sneakers individually, half of the normal amount of fine detergents are sufficient.

Under no circumstances should you use fabric softener: basically fabric softener is superfluous, the additional chemicals can even attack the material.Fabric softeners are also bad for the environment, because the chemical fragrances get into the rivers and the groundwater via the wastewater.

Hygienicher can also attack the material of the sports shoes.Because the hygiene pantry contains disinfectant that can solve some adhesive compounds.

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Keywords: knew how green household household shoes
