
Sport with minus degrees: What you should consider in jogging and Co.

Sport with minus degrees: What you should consider in jogging and Co.

Sport with minus degrees: What you should consider in jogging and Co.

Sport with minus degrees is no problem with the right equipment and the right sports program.However, there are some points that you should consider with regard to your health and your equipment.You read which these are here.

The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer and the temperatures fall below freezing point.The desire to go outside and do sports sinks with many.But especially in the winter months you shouldn't neglect your physical fitness and strengthen your body and your immune system.

Nevertheless, it is particularly important in winter that you do not exaggerate it with sport in the fresh air and always listen to your gut feeling.If you have pain or something does not feel good for yourself, you should rather take a break and get to the bottom of the cause before you start another training session.

In general: For healthy people, sport is usually not a problem with minus degrees.However, if you suffer from a cardiovascular disease, heart disease or asthma, you should largely do without sports in the event of freezing degrees or at least be careful and clarify the sports program with a medical specialist.

In principle, nothing speaks against sport in the fresh air even at sub -temperatures.By changing from warm to cold and the exertion outdoors you strengthen your immune system and keep your body fit.However, if the temperatures fall below minus 15 degrees Celsius, you should move the sport inside.However, since this is rarely the case in our latitudes, at least during the day, you should often have enough opportunities to stop your sports program outside.

In order to do sports at minus degrees, you have several options.First of all, it is important that you enjoy the whole thing so that you can motivate yourself more easily.So choose a sport that gives you joy and look for you when you like it, one: n training partner: in.The motivation is greater in pairs and you can challenge each other.

The possibilities for sport are also diverse even when the degrees.Nevertheless, you should consider a few points in order not only to make your training in the best possible way, but also to minimize your risk of injury.

Sport with minus degrees: You should consider that

Before every planned sports unit, you should make sure that you only do sports if you feel healthy.You should strictly fail to do sports in the event of a cold symptoms, since you not only burden your organism unnecessarily and most likely make your cold worse, but also take the risk of heart muscle inflammation.

So make sure before every training session that you feel physically fit and only then decide on sport.If you feel fit, a warm-up is particularly important in winter.You should do this inside so that your body does not start fresh air completely cold.

A potential warm-up for sport in the case of minus degrees could look as follows:

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After that, at least you should be warmed up so well that you are ready for the cold.Despite a good warm-up, the cold air can be a real challenge for your organism.Attempts to always breathe through the nose at minus degrees, as the cold air is filtered, moistened and warmed up before it arrives in your lungs.

Sport bei Minusgraden: Was du bei Jogging und Co. beachten solltest

If you breathe through your mouth, the cold air dry out your mucous membranes and make it more susceptible to dirt and bacteria.The deep inhaling cold air through the mouth can also easily lead to a cough, since it is not so easy for your lungs.For this reason, you should do sports that enable you to breathe through your nose.Particularly quiet endurance sports such as jogging, walking, hiking or moderate cycling are suitable for this.If there is snow with you, then cross -country skiing is also a sport that makes you enjoy the winter.

In theory, you can do any kind of sport at minus degrees as long as this is technically possible.However, you should make sure that you do not exaggerate it and that inhaling through the nose is sufficient.Therefore, interval sports or speed training are less good for minus degrees, since the increased stress gets more cold air into your lungs and a inhale over the nose is often no longer sufficient here.You should better relocate these very demanding sports programs to warmer days.

To achieve a good training effect, you should do your training at least two to three times a week and do not fall below a length of 30 minutes.Of course, this is always dependent on your basic physical fitness and the degree of effort.For very fit people who have been doing sports for a long time, that can be too little.Conversely, it can be too much for people who have not been doing sports at all.Therefore, always listen to your body and slowly feel a level that is demanding for you but not overwhelming.If necessary, you can expert: to consult an interior council and have an individual training plan created.

So that your body does not cool down due to sports when the minus degrees, the right equipment is essential in winter.Here you should consider a few things.

Sport with minus degrees: the right equipment

In general, it is important that you dress warmly when you plan to do sports with minus degrees.The so -called "onion principle", in which you carry several layers of clothing on top of each other, is ideal here.

However, it shouldn't be too much, because you would produce warmth through the movement and otherwise sweat excessively.A suitable rule of thumb is that you are dressed properly if you don't freeze directly when you go out, but it is easy to shiver.Due to the warmth that you produce during the stress, you will be more than warm at the end of your unit, but you will not get back to home completely sweaty.

A suitable outfit in wind and minus degrees could look as follows:

  1. Ein eng anliegendes Laufshirt (am besten hochgeschlossen) als unterste Schicht,
  2. darüber ein Fleecepullover, der möglichst den Hals mit bedeckt,
  3. und eine winddichte Outdoorjacke mit Lüftungseinsätzen als letzte Schicht.

A slightly lined sports trousers with thick socks are suitable as pants.In addition, a hat is important because heat is also lost over the head.Due to the cold, it also makes sense to put on gloves.For sports with minus degrees there are even special sports gloves that are more breathable and transport the sweat outwards.

The right footwear is not only important for minus degrees, but in general.It's best to be professionally advised to find the right sports shoe for your foot.

Furthermore, you should definitely use bright, reflective clothing in winter so that you can be seen well at dusk or darkness.A headlamp is also highly recommended.This not only serves your safety in road traffic, it should be dark, but also enables you to recognize soil unevenness in good time and better prevent injuries.

If you don't have a suitable clothing yet and you have to buy it, be sure to pay attention to sustainable production methods and fabrics.In our overview of sustainable sports clothing and the guide for sustainable running shoes you will find more information.

With the right equipment and a moderate sports program, you can also do sports with freezing degrees and do something for your health and physical fitness.As long as you don't exaggerate it and listen to your body, sport in the cold is a welcome change in the many time that most of us spend in winter.

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