
Painful misalignment: what helps with hallux valgus | PZ-Pharmaceutical newspaper

Painful misalignment: what helps with hallux valgus | PZ-Pharmaceutical newspaper

Painful misalignment: what helps with hallux valgus | PZ-Pharmaceutical newspaper

Schmerzhafte Fehlstellung
Der Ballenzeh ist mehr als nur ein optisches Problem. Schmerzen, Entzündungen und ein irreparabler Gelenkverschleiß können die Folge sein. Im frühen Stadium können konservative Maßnahmen Erleichterung verschaffen.
Nicole Schuster
26.10.202107:00 Uhr
INHALTAuf einer Seite lesenWas hilft bei Hallux valgus?Operative Korrektur

The most common forefoot deformity in adults is the hallux valgus, also known as bale toe. About one in eight people in Germany suffer from the widespread disease. The painful deviation of the large toe occurs mainly in the female sex, which suggests a connection with highly choppy and pointed footwear. High heels increase the weight that the forefoot has to carry and thus strain the tendons and base joints of the toes. Deformities such as Spreader feet and claws can develop more easily. Tight, pointed shoes continuously press the large toe towards the smaller toes, damaging the connective tissue and the muscles supporting the front arch of the foot.

Schmerzhafte Fehlstellung: Was hilft bei Hallux valgus | PZ – Pharmazeutische Zeitung

But a hallux valgus is not just a result of unfavorable footwear. A family disposition, soft connective tissue and constitutional ligament weakness, as well as pregnancy, obesity, and frequent, long standing can favour the formation. The 79-year-old Ulla Schönegge has been suffering from a hallux valgus on the right foot for about 30 years. & quot; the complaints with me are probably hereditary and have become ever stronger over the years, & quot; she reports in conversation with the Pharmaceutical newspaper.

In most patients, a so-called Spreader foot develops first. The front part of the foot is widened. Over time, the large toe pushes to the middle toes, at the same time forming a bulge on the inside of the foot. This is caused by the fact that the first two midfoot bones spread out and the first midfoot head exits (pseudoexostose). When walking, the & quot; bale & quot; rubs on the shoe, sore spots and painful inflammations are the result.

Conservative treatment

A visit to the doctor is indicated at the latest when patients suffer from pain and movement restrictions. In doing so, the complaints do not necessarily correspond to the scale of the situation. If a hallux valgus remains untreated, further toe malformations such as a hammer toe or an arthrosis of the large toe base joint can develop.

When choosing therapy, the doctor involves factors such as the stage of hallux valgus, the patient & APOs; s suffering pressure, his age and possibly already existing osteoarthritis. In the early stages, measures such as advice, pressure relief of the big toe ball, physiotherapy, manual therapeutic measures, suitable sports activities and optimal shoe supply are in place. For pain relief, the pharmacy team may recommend anti-inflammatory ointments and systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Aids such as insoles, foam pads, night rails and bandages can also alleviate the discomfort. It is important to note that they cannot correct or reverse the misalignment. Also, not all patients can handle the aids equally well.

Schönegge didn & APOs; t have good experiences with insoles and told her that they would have caused her more pain than relief. She found the best solution for herself with foot gymnastics. & quot; of course, I can & APOs; t undo the hallux valgus. But with my exercises I can improve my mobility and reduce the pain, & quot; she explains. Consistently performed training strengthens the foot muscles, tightens the connective tissue and can thus counteract malpositions. For suitable exercises, Dr. Manfred Lang, foot surgeon from Erlangen, recommends to his patients the website »medibook «. There, affected people will find video-supported exercise instructions, training programs as well as information and tips around the foot and ankle.

If you prefer holistic approaches, you can try the spiral dynamics ®motion theory, for which, according to the expert, there are good experiences. In doing so, patients learn special strength and mobility exercises with which they can train their toes and keep them straight. However, the statutory health insurance companies generally do not cover the costs of spiral dynamics.

The expert from Erlangen points out that patients should not promise themselves too much from purely conservative methods: & quot; the variety and variety of these therapies show that a definitive, permanent freedom of complaint is difficult to achieve without correcting the misalignment. & quot;

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