
Germersheim - Bird flu spreads further - pet owners should take measures as a precaution now

Germersheim - Bird flu spreads further - pet owners should take measures as a precaution now

Germersheim - Bird flu spreads further - pet owners should take measures as a precaution now

Germersheim/Germersheim/Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar.“The poultry plague epidemic has reached a high in Europe.In the meantime she has also arrived in Karlsruhe.Currently, several animals in the Karlsruhe Zoo have suffered on the poultry plague and also died of it.In order to avoid an entry and distribution of the pathogen in the district of Germersheim and to prepare a possibly necessary animal welfare installation obligation, we ask all animal owners to be implemented and complied with the so -called bioseculity measures in their animal population as a precaution, ”says Landrat Dr DR.Fritz Brechtel.

The veterinary doctors of the Germersheim district administration indicate the following security and accommodation measures:

1.The poultry is to be kept in such a way that wild birds have no contact with it.2.The entry of the poultry run/stable may only be made in an in-house protective clothing and with stable-specific footwear.This protective clothing is to be laid out when the run/stable is abandoned.3.Before entering and after leaving the poultry run/stable, the hands must be washed with water and soap.The shoes are to be disinfected with disinfectant with disinfectant every time you enter and leave the barn at your input/output in a disinfection tub.4.Food, litter and other objects that can come into contact with the poultry must be kept inaccessible to wild birds.

5.No winged parts and no egg shells of bought eggs must be fed.6.The entrances and outputs to the areas or.The other locations of the poultry must be secured against unauthorized access or unauthorized travel.Non -business people and pets are to be kept away from the stables.7.All equipment and vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected after each installation of the poultry and after each poultry transport.8th.Combating malnachment is to be carried out regularly.9.The poultry is to be accommodated in sufficiently large stables so that a species -appropriate movement is still possible.

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10.When designing leak volation, make sure that contact with wild birds is excluded, z.B.through a firm roof with tarpaulins or by small mesh nets.11.The animals must be made available to varied employment material, z.B.Small straw, lucerne or hay bales, entire corn on the cob, pickstones.12.Sufficient bathing opportunities must be held for water birds - protected from the penetration of wild birds.

The veterinarians call: “If someone in particular is diluted wild water birds, birds of prey or riere-like, please do not grasp the animals, leave them on site and the district administration Germersheim, Department 43, Veterinary area, email veterinaeramt@Kreis-Germersheim.de, or inform the local police.“In addition, there is basically a reporting obligation of animals: the keeping of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, drives and poultry, including chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, pearl chickens, vineyards, pigeons, turkey, quail or running birds, is according to § 26Section.1 Livestyle Ordinance of the responsible authority (district administration Germersheim, Health and Consumer Protection Department, Veterinary Area).“The obligation to report animal stocks is independent of the size of an animal population and therefore also applies to small and small stocks.

Mixed stocks also have to be registered, ”said the veterinary.If such animal stocks are not displayed, this represents a violation of the reporting obligation and thus an administrative offense according to the cattle transport regulation.This can be done with fines up to 30.000 euros can be punished.Entry sheets for displaying or changing animal husbandry are on the homepage of the district of Germersheim on www.Kreis-Germersheim in the download area, heading “Veterinary and consumer protection ready.

Interested parties can find more information about the poultry plague on the pages of the state investigation office and the Friedrich Löffler Institute:

https: // lua.RLP.de/de/our topics/lexicon/lexicon-g/flue plague/https: // www.fli.de/de/current/animal diseases/Aviaere-Influenza-Ai-GefluegelPest/
