
What your shoes reveal about your character - freenet.de

What your shoes reveal about your character - freenet.de

What your shoes reveal about your character - freenet.de

Whether with paragraph or flat, ballerina or high heel: every woman prefers other footwear.But what does your choice say about you?

High Heels oder Turnschuhe?

If you take a look into your shoe cabinet - what do you see?10 couples comfortable sneakers?Or are you one of the women for whom a life without a 10-centimeter sales is unthinkable?

Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Paar Schuhe? Dann los:

Sure, first of all you should be able to walk well in your shoes.But this is how Lady accepts inconveniences, simply because the shoes look so damn sexy.

What about you?Which shoes let your heart beat faster?In our picture show we tell you what your shoes say about the character.
