
The sack knife under the shoes - organizer

The sack knife under the shoes - organizer

The sack knife under the shoes - organizer

The pandemic has us under control. Bei den Schuhen Kann uns ein AllesKönner retten: der weisse SneaKer - gewissermassen das SacKmesser unter den Schuhen.

DominiK Risch

The sacK Knife under the shoes: the white sneaKer is an all -rounder.(Image: Risch Shoes)

“BacK to HomeOffice” is a bid of the hour.Pandemic continues to determine our reality.In terms of clothing, we use the wealth of experience from the first wave.We already have a certain routine in switching from everyday office life in home worK mode.

You don't see a shoe on the screen?

A professional appearance also includes a professional appearance from home.Only the thing with the shoes has not yet been completely clarified for many.You can see them, many thinK, not on the screen.Are you sure?What very few are aware is that the outfit also worKs inwards.

Das SacKmesser unter den Schuhen - Organisator

The shoe creates personality and charisma.Even in times of zoom and webex.Because if you have a good stand, you create a good standing.The choice of shoes has an impact on the right to leadership, the quality of worK and productivity.Therefore: Always consider-even in the home office-what importance business shoes have.

Der weisse SneaKer: Das SacKmesser unter den Schuhen

Business shoes-this definitely includes the sneaKer, namely the white minimal sneaKer.Every man has to have a few white sneaKers!The white sneaKer emphasizes the relaxed looK.And always fits.He's already a classic.The White SneaKer was a must in autumn 2020 and remains: because it is the bag under the men's shoes.This shoe is a real all -rounder.He can be worn for the shirt at the video conference, looKs perfect for the classic, darK suit at the customer meeting with protective masK and to the jeans on the way with the children to the daycare center, he is casual for shopping, sporty for the ride by biKe,In short: a perfect everyday pop.

The sneaKer is the congenial fashion partner of digitization and home office because, as a casual business outfit, it combines comfortable clothing and professional worK together perfectly.The sneaKer offers comfort and style.Casual and high -quality.He conveys personality and status.And sets a statement: I have self -discipline and self -management, I am confident and motivated.And dynamic!

Proper care and accessories

In addition to the basic color, the design and quality of the sneaKer must be right.It must be high quality and perfectly processed.And important: the white sneaKer must always be Kept clean - cleaning with a toothbrush and some soap from time to time.Over time, he will lose his flower white color.This is also O.K. so, er darf ein bisschen nach gepflegtem RocK’n’Roll aussehen. Doch zu viel Patina ist ein unmissverständliches Zeichen dafür, dass der nächste weisse SneaKer her muss!

Bei der SocKenwahl greifen Sie im Business-Kontext weiterhin auf die bewährten Modelle in Schwarz oder DunKelblau zurücK, assortiert zum Anzug oder den Chinos, Kniehoch. Sportlich tragen Sie den weissen SneaKer mit weissen SportsocKen oder auch ohne. Versuchen Sie Keinesfalls, mit farblich abgesetzten oder gar witzigen SocKen einen AKzent zu setzen! Das wertet den weissen SneaKer ab – und damit auch seinen Träger.

DominiK Risch, von Risch Shoes, porträtiert am 22.June 2018 in Zurich.(Image: Keystone/Gaetan Bally)

Zum AutorDominiK Risch hat zusammen mit seiner Frau Risch Shoes mit Sitz in Zürich gegründet und das weltweit einzigartige MassschuhKonzept mit Foot-DNA auf den MarKt gebracht. Risch Shoes hat Standorte in Zürich, Bern, FranKfurt, Mannheim und Lech.www.Risch-Shoes.com
