
Robert Habeck's biographer: His wife laughs about the affairs he claims

Robert Habeck's biographer: His wife laughs about the affairs he claims

Robert Habeck's biographer: His wife laughs about the affairs he claims

Habeck's wife Andrea: "He can let off steam in politics"

In the so-called "rush hour" of life, which begins for Paluch/Habeck in their mid-20s, they study abroad, write two master's and two doctoral theses, marry, feed, change diapers and play with four small children, publish their first novel together (Hauke ​​Haiens death, 2001 at Piper's) and buy their first house.

For some, that would be enough to rest on for the rest of adult life. But Robert Habeck is restless, probably more restless than Paluch. When he switched to full-time politics seven years after joining the party in 2009 - initially as a member of parliament and parliamentary group leader in the Kiel state parliament, as minister and deputy prime minister in Kiel from 2012 to 2018 and as head of the federal party in Berlin in 2018 - it was probably the worse for her business than for him. Paluch and his sons understood Habeck's desire for greater effectiveness. "Robert needs a bigger battleground than our desk," Paluch told the editorial network Germany in 2012: "He can let off steam in politics." But first of all she lost her co-author, with whom she had developed a proven common narrator's voice. "All of a sudden I had a lonely job," she says.

You can order “Robert Habeck – a political biography” here on Amazon.
