
Interview on the process of killing in Potsdam nursing home |rbb24

Interview on the process of killing in Potsdam nursing home |rbb24

Interview on the process of killing in Potsdam nursing home |rbb24

RBB | 24: Lisa Steger, a forensic-psychiatric expert reported in the process of mental disorders in the accused.It sees a state of significantly reduced guilt.How did the expert justify this?

Interview zum Prozess um Tötungen in Potsdamer Pflegeheim | rbb24

Lisa Steger: Die Angeklagte leidet an einer emotional-instabilen Persönlichkeitsstörung, sagte die Gerichtspsychiaterin Cornelia Mikolaiczyk: Das Denken kreise bei Ines R.To your own person.She couldn't handle stress.Then she loses control.

In the past, it has always directed aggression against herself.Different on 28.April.In the weeks before, the burden has increased - through work, but also by the renovation of your home.
