
Puma se share news: puma se loses

Puma se share news: puma se loses

Puma se share news: puma se loses

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PUMA SE87,70 EUR-3,09%Shares in this article anzeigenPUMA SE87,70 EUR -3,09%Hier für 0 € handelnAlle anzeigen

The Puma SE-share slipped by 2.3 percent to EUR 88.56 in the Xetra meeting.As a result, the share certificate is on the loss page in the DAX, which is currently at 15.425 points tends.The downward movement of the Puma SE share went to EUR 88.56.With a value of EUR 89.36, the share certificate went to the trading day.In Xetra trading, 385 have changed so far.438 PUMA SE shares the owner.

At 19.11.In 2021 the paper rose to the current 52-week high at EUR 115.40.On 26.03.In 2021, the course of the share certificate gave up to EUR 80.32 and fell to the lowest level of the past 52 weeks.

Experts dated EUR 117.63 as a medium price target.Experts set the expected profit per PUMA SE share for 2023 at EUR 3.67.

PUMA SE Aktie News: PUMA SE verliert

Puma SE is an international sporting goods manufacturer.The company was created by the division of the Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik brothers founded in 1948 between the brothers Rudi and Adi Dassler in Adidas and Puma.The company develops and produces shoes, textiles and accessories.The Puma product range includes numerous products for the in and outdoor area.Puma cooperates with the global designer label.The brands Puma, Cobra Golf and Stichd are part of the company group

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