
Corona rules at a glance: This is what it looks like with 2G and 3G in the federal states

Corona rules at a glance: This is what it looks like with 2G and 3G in the federal states

Corona rules at a glance: This is what it looks like with 2G and 3G in the federal states

Flickenteppich oder angemessene Corona-Maßnahmen? Fest steht: Die Beschränkungen der Bundesländer im Kampf gegen die Pandemie sind sehr unterschiedlich – doch viele von ihnen setzen zunehmend auf 2G. Ein Überblick.

Whether in the cinema or at events, in the catering trade, at the hairdresser or in retail: On Thursday, important course for fighting Corona in Germany is to be set at a federal-state meeting.In view of the increasing Corona numbers, a large part of the countries already rely on 2G (access only for vaccinated and recovered) instead of 3G (vaccinated, genesis and tested).An overview:

Baden-Württemberg: Unpolished people will be largely excluded from participation in public life from Wednesday.The country will reach the so-called alarm level on the intensive care units on the intensive care units-this applies if the value of 390 covid patients in the intensive care units is reached or exceeded for two days in a row.In this case, the Corona Ordinance provides for the 2G rule nationwide, for example in restaurants, museums, at exhibitions and at most other public events.Those who are unvaccinated and can only show a test will also be left out in the cinema, in the swimming pool or in the gym, in adult education courses and music schools.There are exceptions, for example, for public transport and religion events.In retail alarm level 3G also applies without PCR test obligation.In addition, businesses of basic supply such as supermarkets as well as outdoor markets and pick-up and delivery offers are excluded.


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Bavaria: In view of the dramatically rising Corona numbers, the Bavarian cabinet has decided sharper rules from Tuesday.In the case of Roter Hospital Lamp-as currently-also in restaurants, in hotels and other accommodation companies that only have vaccinated and recovered (2G) access.An alternative PCR test will no longer be sufficient in the future.Since last week, 2G has been valid for theater, cinemas, museums, swimming pools and other leisure facilities - an exception applies to children under the age of 12, for whom no vaccination has yet been approved.With 3G plus, unvaccinated, it remains with 3G plus for body-related services, but only have access, but only with a negative PCR test.According to the Ministry of Health, pupils who are regularly tested at school are considered to be tested, so they do not need a negative PCR test with the hairdresser.

The main applies in the capital 2G

Berlin: There have been extensive 2G rules in the capital since Monday.There are only vaccinated and recourse access to restaurants, cinemas, theaters, museums or galleries, a negative test is no longer enough.This also affects leisure facilities such as saunas and thermal baths or amusement facilities such as arcades, as well as closed rooms in amusement parks or in the Berlin zoo exactly as in the zoo.2G also applies to visiting the hairdresser.Exceptions are people who 18.Have not yet reached life.A proven negative corona test is still sufficient for them.

Brandenburg: The 2G rule in restaurants, hotels, cinemas, theaters, discos, clubs and festivals also applies in Brandenburg since Monday.There is an exception for under 18 year olds with a negative test and for those who cannot be vaccinated.

Bremen: The lowest warning level has been in the city of Bremen since the end of October.This also eliminates the 3G rule indoors.The 2G rule is an option at higher warning levels.You can use restaurants, theater, clubs or music schools and sports facilities.

Corona-Regeln im Überblick: So sieht es mit 2G und 3G in den Bundesländern aus

Hamburg: Already in August the city-state introduced a 2G option model for public facilities such as restaurants, bars, cinemas or theater.Since then, their operators have been able to limit access to vaccinated and recovered people on a voluntary basis-otherwise the 3G rule applies there to a mandatory manner.From Saturday, unvaccinated restaurants, bars and clubs are no longer allowed to enter.The red-green Senate stroked the 3G model for several areas on Tuesday and instead made the 2G model a mandatory.This also affects indoor leisure sports as well as theater, cinemas and skills-related services with the exception of hairdressers, foot care and medical treatments.There are no tightening in retail or public transport for the time being.

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Hessen relies on 3G+

Hessen: If you are not vaccinated or recovered, you have had to present a current PCR test since Thursday to participate in 3G events or when entering many 3G facilities.Organizers also have the option of only allowing vaccinated and tested.3G rules now also apply to companies with employees who have contact with external customers in the workplace.According to the new requirements, a maximum of ten percent of the visitors may be tested at 3G major events with more than 5000 participants.The rest must either be vaccinated or recovered.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: For cities and counties that reach the third of four warning levels ("Orange") on the state-owned Corona warting, the 2G rule applies.This has not been valid anywhere so far, but that could change this week.Children under the age of 12 are excluded from 2G;This applies to 12 to 17 year olds until the end of the year.7- to 17-year-olds have to present a daily test.In pubs, restaurants and events, a 2G option model has long been valid: If only vaccinated and genesis have access, many protective measures can be omitted, but in cinemas the 3G rule applies in any case.

Lower Saxony: In many areas, the option for 2GETWA for restaurants, the culture or larger events applies.A revised Corona Ordinance has been in place since Thursday, according to which 2G is mandatory at events with more than 1000 people in the interior and in the inner catering from lower warning levels.These levels have not yet been reached nationwide.According to Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD), the 2G regulation is further expanded-but details on which areas should be included and when the expansion should come, he has not yet called.

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North Rhine-Westphalia: The 3G rule applies here in hospitals, museums or in the inner catering.The 3G Plus rule is required for discos or parties inside with dance.If you are not vaccinated or recovered, you have to show a PCR test or a quick test, although the quick test may be a maximum of six hours old.If you want to go to the hairdresser or the pub with PCR test, it can only be 24 hours old, before that it was 48 hours.The municipalities may also introduce stricter measures.Many have already imposed 2G rules for their Christmas markets.In the future, access restrictions for adults will also be introduced in the leisure area that are not vaccinated or recovered.This announced Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting in Düsseldorf.In particularly sensitive areas, 2G plus should even apply - i.e. current tests also for vaccinated and recovered.Among other things, this affects carnival sessions, said Wüst.

Rhineland-Palatinate: The country has been relying on the so-called 2G plus regulation for a long time.Accordingly, the number of approved, unvaccinated people is limited and is further reduced if, for example, the seven-day incidence or illness exceed certain threshold values.For example, no mask requirement and no distance requirement apply in the inner catering if there are no more than 25 unvaccinated people.The contact restrictions in public space were generally lifted.

Saarland: Here the Saarland Plus model with a widespread 3G regulation applies, for example for interior of gastronomy, leisure facilities, sporting events.However, the Saarland is also planning a further tightening of its measures, which could apply from the beginning of next week.The cabinet agreed on the introduction of the 2G rule indoors on Tuesday, said government spokesman Alexander Zeyer in Saarbrücken.Accordingly, only vaccinated and recourse to gastronomy and indoor events should then have.However, the details of a new regulation would still have to be developed and could then be decided according to the federal-state consultations.

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In Saxony there is 2g, 2G+ is an option

Saxony: As the first area of area, the Free State has been using the 2G rule extensively against the rapidly rising Corona numbers since the beginning of last week.Only vaccinated and recovered people are allowed in restaurants, pubs or discotheques, a negative test is not enough.In view of the tense infection situation, the country now wants to further tighten the protective measures.In particularly endangered institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals, a general test obligation will soon also apply to vaccinated and recovered people, said Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping (SPD) on Tuesday in Dresden.When the overload level is reached, the 2G rule also applies in retail.Supermarkets and drugstores are excluded.A "2G plus option" is planned for the organizers of leisure and cultural events.If you drive with local public transport, you have to wear an FFP2 mask.The cornerstones of the Corona Protection Ordinance are to be finally decided by the cabinet on Friday.

Saxony-Anhalt: In the country, the 3G rule should be implemented consistently or the organizers should use the 2G option themselves.The state government justifies its procedure by the fact that it is still unclear what should apply after the "epidemic emergency of national scope", which is planned for the end of November.

Schleswig-Holstein: Here the 3G rule generally applies to events inside.Then there is no mask requirement.In buses and trains as well as when shopping.The state government is now considering switching to the 2G model at larger events in interior areas.This week should be advised on specific areas.

Thuringia: In Thuringia, the municipalities should introduce a 2G or 3G plus model in the highest corona warning level three.However, a number of circles and cities do not implement this for a long time.On Tuesday, the country has now decided to introduce a 2G obligation for large parts of public life.According to this, only vaccinated and recourse in the catering trade, in accommodation companies and at events should only be granted.A negative corona test is often no longer sufficient.The 2G requirement applies above all to guests, customers and visitors, but not to employees.In addition, exceptions are planned for children and adolescents.The new 2G rules are to be implemented by the municipalities in the current week and later laid down in a new Corona regulation of the country.

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