
Deletion of IV contributions: BUND stops funds for children with autoimmune disease celiac disease.

Deletion of IV contributions: BUND stops funds for children with autoimmune disease celiac disease.

Deletion of IV contributions: BUND stops funds for children with autoimmune disease celiac disease.


From January, compensation payments for children with a gluten intolerance will be eliminated.The effects are enormous for financial weak families, says Tina Toggenburger from IG Zöliakie in German Switzerland.

Daniel Krähenbühl
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From 1. Januar 2022 streicht der Bund die Krankheit Zöliakie – eine durch Glutenunverträglichkeit verursachte chronische Autoimmunerkrankung – von der Liste der Geburtsgebrechen.The decision of the Federal Council, which was made as part of the IV revision, has financial consequences for affected families: From January, children and adolescents have up to 20.Year of life no longer entitled to an IV flat rate compensation.The amounts - between 600 and 1450 francs per year - are deleted without replacement.

For those affected, the health and financial consequences of the decision are enormous, says Tina Toggenburger, President of the Association IG Celiac.«Coloring people who are eaten must calculate significant additional costs compared to a normal diet - around CHF 200 per month -.“About a kilo of normal flour cost 90 centers, the gluten -free variant 6.80 francs.«Financial families have no means to pay so much more expensive foods to their child.And you don't want to serve rice every day.»

"The only therapy is strictly gluten -free nutrition"

The mandatory health insurance, which only pays “diets” from the pharmacy or medication, does not cover the additional costs for the more expensive foods, says Toggenburger.«The only therapy option is the strict, gluten -free diet.“You don't stick to it, have the massive health effects - especially in children.«The inclusion of gluten - a protein that occurs in many grain - damages the intestine, can lead to growth disorders, deficiency symptoms and psychological problems such as depression or ADHD.»

Other medical problems such as osteoporosis, infertility, hair loss or fatigue could also occur.Around 80,000 people are affected by celiac disease, and the trend is clearly increasing.However, only a fraction of this is diagnosed.Toggenburger therefore calls on the Federal Council to recognize celiac disease as a chronic disease, to educate the population about the disease and to find a solution to the compensation of the additional costs caused by the diet.«Celiac disease is not a lifestyle disease, but has a massive effect on health.This must be taken into account in future decisions.»

SP national councilor wants to submit advance

Erst vor wenigen Monaten reichte SP-Nationalrätin Yvonne Feri im Parlament eine Interpellation zum Thema ein.“The situation is very unsatisfactory, because for the persons concerned, the disease means on the one hand a financial expenditure, on the other hand it also requires another great commitment.“For example, if the children were eating at a lunch table or in the after -school care center, went on a school trip or were invited to a birthday party.

"Celiacia cannot be treated with a medication, an exact diet is needed," says Feri.Therefore, she could not appreciate the decision to terminate the compensation payments.«I am now considering pushing another initiative.»

New criteria for birth crabs

As the Federal Office for Social Insurance (BSV) announced on request, a total of around 3,000 insured persons in 2020 have a flat -rate compensation for celiac disease.Since the list of birth crabs was medically and structurally outdated, it was updated as part of the IV reform, said BSV spokesman Harald Sohns.«Some diseases that have no longer met the new criteria for birth crabs have been deleted by the list.»A criterion is that the disease must be innate.

"Celiac does not correspond to this definition, since it is an autoimmune disease with multifactorial causes," says Sohns.Experts who have been involved in the development of the updated list were included in the medical societies and patient organizations.

Rânâ Moussa, her husband and her two children (11 and 13) have celiac disease.She has a sharp criticism of the federal government: «I am very disappointed and shocked.»Finally, the disease was innate, not due to an unhealthy lifestyle."Feeding yourself gluten -free is not a trend if you have celiac disease - you have to!"

For herself, the symptoms-especially gastrointestinal complaints and iron deficiency-occurred during pregnancy.She only received a diagnosis four years later.«With our children we noticed at the age of four and five that something was wrong.They were very often tired and weak, could not run far without taking a break and had gastrointestinal complaints.»Due to the gluten -free diet, all of them have disappeared.

However, the gluten -free diet is expensive: "We have to expect several thousand francs additional costs every year," says Moussa.The IV compensation that she receives for her children only partially covered the expenses.The family budget heavily burdened that they are now eliminated: "My husband and I both work in healthcare and therefore do not live in luxury," says Moussa.«Now we have to snap the belt closer.At the same time, I don't want to take away their hobbies, such as the guitar lessons.»

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