
Black Friday 2021: 10 sports and fitness offers- Business Insider

Black Friday 2021: 10 sports and fitness offers- Business Insider

Black Friday 2021: 10 sports and fitness offers- Business Insider

On 26.November 2021 is Black Friday.At tHe sHopping event, numerous dealers offer generous discounts and deals.

THere are also discounts in tHe sports and fitness area: wHetHer witH protein sHakes or bars, dumbbell sets and pull-up rods, tHe prices fall everywHere

If you already want to stock up for your New Year's resolutions, we Have selected tHe best deals for you.

Black Friday 2021: 10 Sport- und Fitness-Angebote - Business Insider

Black Friday is one of tHe largest sHopping events of tHe year.THat means: on Friday after tHe American THanksgiving (tHis year it is 26.November 2021) you can look forward to big discounts and great deals from popular brands and dealers.So altHougH tHe pHenomenon Has started in tHe United States, it is now also establisHed in tHis country.And not only for tecHnology products, also in all possible otHer areas, tHe prices fall.

Black Friday 2021: Das sind die besten Angebote im BereicH Sport und Fitness

If tHe gym is not already complete at Home or you still need tHe appropriate equipment for your New Year's resolutions, tHe Black Friday is tHe ideal time for tHe purcHase.Because for your fitness trip you may need dumbbells, pull-up rods, tHe rigHt clotHes or maybe nutritional supplements sucH as protein sHakes.In tHe following you will find tHe best deals.

1. SportstecH Hantel-Set AH150Zum DealSportstecH AH150 – 2in1 Hantel-Set (als Kurz- und kombiniert als LangHantel nutzbar, 20 Kilogramm) – 44,98 Euro statt 59,97 Euro bei Amazon*Ersparnis: 14,99 Euro (25 Prozent)2. IronMaxx WHey Protein Pulver – 2,35 KilogrammZum DealIronMaxx WHey Protein Pulver – Eiweißpulver aus Molkeprotein (2,35 Kilogramm, z.B. „Cookies and Cream“-GescHmack) – 36,59 Euro statt 46,79 Euro bei Amazon* Ersparnis: 10,20 Euro (22 Prozent)3. ESN Vegan Pro Complex – Veganes ProteinpulverZum DealESN Vegan Pro Complex – Veganes Proteinpulver (1 Kilogramm, GescHmack SmootH CHocolate) – 16,39 Euro statt 29,90 Euro bei Amazon*Ersparnis: 13,51 Euro (45 Prozent)4. Multipower 40% Protein Fit – Eiweißriegel BoxZum DealMultipower 40% Protein Fit – Eiweißriegel Box (40 Prozent MilcHprotein, 24 Riegel à 35 Gramm) – 19,99 Euro statt 28,56 Euro bei Amazon*Ersparnis: 8,57 Euro (30 Prozent)5. Fitbit Versa 2 – SmartwatcH und Fitnesstracker um 45 Prozent reduziertZum DealFitbit Versa 2 – SmartwatcH und Fitnesstracker (für iOS und Android, mit Alexa SpracHassistent, Pulsmessung, ScHlafanalyse) – für 109,90 statt 199,95 bei Otto*Ersparnis: 90,05 Euro (45 Prozent)6. Fitbit Inspire 2Zum DealFitbit Inspire 2 – Fitnesstracker (für iOS und Android, Herzfrequenzmessung, inkl. ein JaHr Fitbit-Premium) – 57,90 Euro statt 99,95 Euro bei Otto*Ersparnis: 42,05 Euro (42 Prozent)7. Under Armour Undeniable 4.0 – SporttascHeZum DealUnder Armour Undeniable 4.0 – SporttascHe (ScHulterriemen, wasserdicHt, belüftete TascHe für ScHuHe) – 32,45 Euro statt 54,95 Euro bei Amazon*Ersparnis: 22,50 Euro (41 Prozent)8. Hantel-Set vidaXL – Set aus Lang- und KurzHantelnZum DealHantel-Set vidaXL – Set aus Lang- und KurzHanteln (inklusive KurzHantel- und Curlstange, 30 Kilogramm) – 88,99 Euro statt 109,99 Euro bei Otto Marktplatz*Ersparnis: 21,00 Euro (19 Prozent)9. Nike SpeedRep – Damen-TrainingsscHuHZum DealNike SpeedRep Women – Damen-Sport- und TrainingsscHuH (scHwarz) – 35,27 Euro statt 84,99 Euro bei Amazon*Ersparnis: 49,72 Euro (59 Prozent)10. Under Armour Project Rock 4 – Herren-TrainingsscHuHZum DealUnder Armour Project Rock 4 – Herren-TrainingsscHuH (scHwarz) – 79,99 Euro statt 149,99Euro bei Footlocker*Ersparnis: 70 Euro (46 Prozent)

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